Istanbul2019 – Education 2030

Education 2030 Think Tank

Bahcesehir University (BAU), September 30 at, 2019 at 9 AM, Istanbul, Turkey

Dear Colleagues,

The M3 Center at University of South Florida Sarasota Manatee together with Bahcesehir University and Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI)  would like to invite you to the second Think Tank on Education (EDU 2030) on September 30, 2019, at 9 AM – 3 PM, concurrent with the 11th Global Conference on Business and Economics (GLOBE 2019).

What: Education 2030 Think Tank (EDU 2030)
Where: Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
When: September 30, 2019, from 9 am to 3 pm.
Fee: Free to attend, but attendance is invitation only (Please fill out the interest form below)

Education 2030 Think Tank Interest From

Info & Interest form

Education is undergoing a great amount of change not only due to the advancements in technology but also due to the change in people. New technologies are implemented in education such as virtual reality, augmented reality and machine learning. Tools such as automated skills assessment, adaptive learning, and automated writing feedback will become more and more common. The universities are moving more and more towards virtual classes, adhering as much as they can to the schedules of the students, implementing the concept of on-demand learning. The educational system as we know it is changing at a rapid pace.

The goal of this Think Tank is to create a research agenda for education academicians.

Main objectives of each theme/track will be:

  1. To identify major forces driving change and to estimate the timing of these changes, and
  2. To generate a series of research questions for academicians (to help the industry copes with these changes better.
  3. To create groups to write academic papers to address the challenges and opportunities of the future in education

If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected]  or one of the chairs or coordinator.